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Drill-Down OLAP Widget

Drill-Down OLAP: This video contains how to drill the OLAP widget.


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Read 5 minutes tutorial here.

  • Drill Down Olap enable users to drill the Olap data from the generated table as required in the existing Olap Analytic:-

In order to view the functioning of Drill Down Olap, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on on your current olap widget in order to edit it.

  2. Click on any cell in the table shown below:-

    dashboard -icon 1

  3. This will open the following dialog box:-

    dashboard -icon 1

  4. In this case, we have obtained the detailed sales data for Vintage Cars in the Territory of Japan.

  • In this manner, you can click on any cell of the table to drill down the data to obtain a specific information related to the row and column value of the particular cell that has been clicked by the user.

✒️ OLAP Analytics contains following categories, Click on the particular category for more information:-

1. OLAP Overview

2. Create OLAP

3. Add Filter to OLAP Widget

4. Hierachy Configuration

5. Change Settings